Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to you. . .

Happy Birthday Sweet Husband!
Happy Birthday to you!
I just wanted to say how much I Love you and how Proud I am of you!! You make me proud to be your wife! I Love You!!!
Now for the rest of you, let me tell you the whole story. As some of you know. . . My Dear Husband can be a bit childlike when it comes to Christmas or new toys at any time! (His gift arrived yesterday and I had to listen to him beg to open it all evening!) This has always been a fun little part of the Jon I Love. This morning, however. . .
This was AFTER I was awake enough to see halfway clearly, and AFTER he realized I would be taking pictures and had to go fix his hair and who knows what else!
Thought this one was especially good with the whole foot action!
The brand on the box. . .
He really is mentally OK, I just interrupted him mid-project!

It's an acoustic bass. He has a regular one, but this one doesn't require an amplifier.

And now there's not time to go back to sleep, but I DID crawl back in bed to try to get warm before time to get around for work! I think it was down to 26 deg. last night and there was a good frost this morning!


The Taylors said...

Happy Birthday Jon, last night I full intentions of getting up this morning and leaving a "happy birthday" on your facebook which of course I didn't think about this morning at all! What a fun gift, I may be partial and all but I think you have quite a terrific wife!

Becky said...

Happy birthday Jon! Hope it's a great one!

Lynette said...

Happy Birthday Jon!

I feel for you and your cold nights although I am fearful that we are not far behind on the frost.Also I gotta say I am glad for the song change.The last song got to where I had to mute the sound on my computer.The song was cool just got old when it stuck, like peanut butter does to the roof of your mouth :)

Leah & Jon said...

Rach it's OK, he wouldn't have gotten his Facebook message for a couple months anyway. He's NEVER on there!