Friday, September 26, 2014

Jon's Birthday Party

Here they are guys.  The three of you waiting to see them.  Honestly, I only got a handful of others, so this is what you get... also, sorry, but what you see is what you get as far as pictures of decorations and food. :-/

And for anybody who might be lurking around not knowing what;s up with us lately...  Jon just turned 30 last week, so we (our dear friends and I) decided to throw a surprise party for him.  We pulled it off without him even suspecting.  Everything went really well and we had a good turn out.  He was happy and I was happy. :-)


Quick family shot first thing... I think others got better ones.

Mama made really cool camo/marbled cupcakes and decorated them as one big cake. it made serving up dessert easier!

Friends from church

More friends and family

More family and we were really excited to have some old life long friends come

Most gifts were cards and money but the big ticket was his new muzzle loader rifle

love the smile

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Very nice ! So glad everything went as planned for you.