Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Money Laundering. . .

Unfortunately, my profits haven't been too lucrative yet! :-) LOL!! (I thought it was funny!)


Becky said...

I was quickly going through checking all the blogs on my list to see if anyone had updated and Kaelyn was sitting beside me. When your's came up, Kaelyn saw the top picture and said, "Look, it's my laundry" :) She's just picked up on that word because sometimes I'll tell her that I need to finish my load of laundry and then we'll do "ABC" whatever she's needing or wanting to do at the moment.

The Taylors said...

I am a firm believer that slow and steady is better than no profits at all. One day when you look at all your "loot" you will remember the humble beginnings. :-p LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, is that what "money laundering" is? Look like you did a pretty good job :-)