Thursday, October 29, 2009

Never Fails. . .

Why is it that you always find one dirty fork or spoon AFTER you've started the dishwasher? Or you get the electric knife or mixer all put away neatly in its little case just to remember that the blades/beaters are still in the dish drainer and you have to start all over??
Just a random thought. Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this! (Guess you can't tell I'm cleaning my kitchen today!)


The Taylors said...

Oh and silverware only scratches the surface in my house. Seasonal decorations are worse. Christmas stuff all away then I discover something I missed that should have gone in the container on th bottom and so it goes. :-)

Becky said...

I am like the biggest believer of Murphy's law! I know what you were saying may not exactly be something going wrong but it's close enough. :)

Lynette said...

Definitely agree with the dish thing and with Rach.Seasonal stuff is the worst because it is usually a little more hassle to get to where it is at.