OK, these are all out of order and I still have some to pose from putting the tree up and stuff but anyway here they are.
Her new baby doll came with its own bottle. I tried to show her how it went in her mouth but she felt certain it needed to go in her (Madelyn's) mouth!
We let her play with her new toys a few minutes even though it WAS past bedtime.
after all the gift opening at home she thought these gifts for her cousins needed unwrapped too!
first round of Christmas.
Second round.
Love this one. She does this ladylike sprawl sometimes when she's playing or checking something out.
Pop Pop taking her doll out of the box.
only decent picture we got of her Christmas morning/Sunday.
this just cracks me up. I was trying to show her stuff and she was just hamming it up for Jon and the camera.
Daddy picked out a special toy for her. I don't know how to describe it. It has these weighted egg things you drop in a hole and they flip down this track thing or they just fall down through a door (every other time) and it plays music when you drop the eggs in it. She likes it and has figured out how to do it by herself now.
First gift of the season. once she realized what was going on, she was pretty good with the gifts but they were always more fun with Daddy's help.

Christmas Eve morning we let her open gifts from Grama and PopPop as she showed interest. she got to open a couple before we got cleaned up and around for the day.
Snuggles with PopPop
She did NOT want to sit still for pictures!
Finally a good one!
That's it for now, but stay tuned for more!
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